Cency van den Dool (Lead)
Senior Remedial Massage Therapist Diploma in Remedial Massage My mission as a remedial & sports therapist is to help people feel confident in their movement again. Helping them form a better understanding of how their pain or discomfort has gotten to a point where they feel they can no longer just move without thinking about pain. I am all about building our knowledge about our bodies. It is the first thing that moves us out of fearful movement. Seeing those light bulb moments are a key drive for me, as well as seeing how much better people's bodies respond to change after their massage. Their muscles are less reactive, they are more elastic and supple when they are relaxed, and generally all round happier due to their movements not being hindered any longer. My skills have developed over the years, from starting with my Remedial Massage Dip. at ACNT in 2016, to Dry Needling and Advanced Dry needling, with ACE along with mobilisations, cupping taping and scar tissue release techniques. I have worked alongside, dancers, pilates instructors, surfers, soccer players and rugby union players as well as clients coming back to movement and sport post surgery. The list goes on, but most importantly, getting people moving in a way that is better aligned for their body. Prior to massage, my studies in dance have given me an extensive foundation for understanding the body. I like to say to clients, I've retired from critiquing my own body’s movements to critiquing and fine tuning that of my clients’. It’s a beautiful art that comes with the nature of dance. Focussing on the intrinsic movements to build quality overall.